Bradford High School
Class of 1968 |
Class of '68 Picnic
Petrifying Springs
Picnic committee is planning a second class picnic. If you have any suggestion please email me. Our first picnic 36 classmates signed up and all attended.
A word about the KBHSAA
We hope you'll consider joining the Kenosha Bradford High School Alumni Association (KBHSAA). Visit our JOIN-Bradford Alumni Association web page to learn more about what the organization does.
Each year, KBHSAA honors a number of Distinguished Alumni Award recipients at its annual DAA Banquet & Silent Auction held in late June. You may view the list of past DAA honorees here. The list does not yet include anyone from our Class of '68. Is there a '68 classmate you'd like to nominate for consideration as a DAA honoree? Visit the KBHSAA website to download the nomination form (usually available after September 30).
CONGRATS to the KBHSAA on celebrating its 133rd Anniversary in June 2024!